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Career Resources

How to Avoid a Bad Interview

We’ve all had bad interviews. You know, the kind where the interviewer asks you a question that you weren’t expecting, and you babble something incoherent. You know at that moment that you just blew it,...

Interview Tips


Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Is Changing The Way We Learn

MOOC or Massive Open Online Course is a groundbreaking methodology in learning. For the uninitiated, MOOC is a free mode of education. Some of the...

Losing A Job Is A Part Of Life: The Way Ahead

Getting laid off is one of the most unpleasant experiences in life. But what’s more indicative of how your future is going to look like...

How to Explain Gaps On Your Resume

Being unemployed is frustrating. While having a positive attitude helps, it can be worrying, especially when you’ve been unemployed for longer than planned.  Employers know...

Follow-Ups: A Thank-you Note Can Make All The Difference

“Did you send a thank-you letter?” This is one of the first questions a job or career coach will ask their client after their hiring interview-...

Are you being underpaid?

You’ve been working in your current position for a few years, and you know your stuff. With your background and education, you feel like you...

How To Expand & Use Your Network Effectively

Older workers often have an advantage over younger workers when it comes to applying for jobs. You may not have even thought about the value...

Get Hired: Why It’s Important To Proof Check Your Resume

Most companies are looking for candidates who can get a job done well. If you can’t even get your resume to look perfect, how are...

How To Impress Your Manager & Get Promoted

If you’ve been holding the same designation at work for a long time, surely you must find yourself wondering what’s coming between you and your...

Pre-interview anxiety? Follow these 7 tips!

Sweaty palms, a pounding heart and churning insides… soon, your brain can’t even comprehend reading your own resume and before you realise it, your name...

Planning To Work From Home? Here’s All You Need To Know

Working from home has more benefits than meet the eye. Not only does it give you more control over your time but it also helps...

How to Ace Business Meetings

Business meetings are an important part of conducting business, and most companies rely on these meetings to discuss strategy and check-in with other departments. Failure...

Finding Meaning in Your Work

Nobody likes Mondays, but for some people, the thought of going back to work after the weekend fills them with dread. These people aren’t able...