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Top Habits of Savvy Money Experts


Do you know someone whose life seems so financially stable even if they don’t make a ton of money? Do you often wonder how they do it? What kind of wizardry do they perform to make a dollar stretch so far?

Well, it’s not magic. They have cultivated good money habits that make them savvy money experts. They simply know how to manage their money well. 

Would you like to have some of this savvy money knowledge? Keep reading to learn more about these habits of savvy money experts.

  1. Make a Budget and Stick to It

Anyone who is smart with their money knows that the first step to better money management is having a plan. They lay everything out and find out the best course of action.

When doing this with your money, it’s called making a budget. You compare how much money is coming in to how much money is going out, prioritize your spending and make adjustments as needed.

Once a budget is determined, you must do your utmost to stick to it!

  1. Automated Savings on Payday

It is important to save money as soon as possible. Before you know it, the money is gone, and you haven’t put any aside for savings. That’s why savvy people ensure that money is automatically debited from their account on payday, so that nothing can get in the way of saving. 

  1. Smart Investments

Even if you don’t have a lot of money, you can still make smart investments. Whatever extra money you have, make it work for you.

A great investment that you can always add to, no matter how little, is a retirement account. There will come a day that you will be glad you did.

  1. Side Hustles

If you have the time and the ability, finding a way to make extra money on the side is a great way to be financially stable. That extra money, whether it’s two or eight hundred extra a month, will never be a waste of time. 

  1. Pay Off Debt Wisely

Savvy people pay down their debts as quickly as possible, but they also know which debts are best to pay off first. Paying off the high interest on credit card bills can make the biggest difference to your credit score.  

  1. Take Good Care of Your Possessions

Anything that you own is an investment and if you don’t take care of your possessions,  you are, in a sense, throwing money away. You can be financially savvy by taking good care of your possessions. Get your oil changed. Fix the leaking toilet. Get your chimney swept. Putting these things off will only cost you more money in the long run.

  1. Don’t Keep Up with the Joneses

Trying to have the latest and greatest in gadgets, cars, and homes will only make you spiral into debt. Live simply and within your means.

  1. Set Short-Term and Long-Term Financial Goals

When people write down goals and the steps they need to take to reach them, they have a better chance of being successful. The same is true of financial goals. Both long-term and short-term financial goals can be written down and kept somewhere visible as a reminder.

  1. Impulse Buys Are Not Allowed

Savvy people know the difference between buying something because they need it and buying something because they want it. If the purchase is completely emotional, don’t make the purchase.

  1. Don’t Be Too Proud to Get a Discount

Even when you have the money, don’t frown upon getting something at a discount. Coupons, sales, and discounts are a budgeter’s best friend.

Never stop learning about how to save better, become money savvy and improve your finances

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